CLINIC VISIT: If you are near Amritsar, I suggest you to set up an appointment and visit our clinic for consultation. To book your appointment, call 9592977260 between 10am and 6pm Mon-sat. Visit will be required once & twice every week.
ONLINE PROGRAM: Are you away from our city or living in a different part of the world, on a tight schedule, having a medical problem or just too lazy to visit the clinic? Sign up online, complete health assessment, pay online, get diet charts, interact with Dt Kanahya & monitor your health – All online! You can enroll into the our online program, weekly consultation will happen over the phone and diet plans will be delivered via SMS,Whatapp or email.
One Week trail package Rs. 700 (Includes body analysis and discussion including general dietary suggestions .also diet plan provided.)
Specific disease/intolerance/disorder
One time diet plan Rs. 1200 (Single diet plan for specific diseases like Celiac disease, food allergies, skin disorders, diabetes etc. One follow up visit included.)
Weight loss/gain, diabetes, BP, Thyroid, PCOD